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Double Trouble: Duplicate Items for Your Special Day

There is nothing better than getting to the morning of your wedding day and everything is all planned out. I mean down to the seconds, every detail has been covered. Think about it! You and your fiancé, in collaboration with your wedding planner have even the smallest of detail checked off your list. Until you go through your list of doubles!

Faux wedding bands, just in case bae forgets, check! Toss bouquet for reception, check! Toss garter for reception. Hello, do we have the toss garter for the reception? All exclaim, oh no! Now, don’t you worry, because this scenario will not be the case for you.

Thanks to our friend Juli, over at The Garter Girl, we’ve got you covered. Her exquisitely hand designed garter sets come with a main garter and a matching tossing wedding garter! Now how sweet is that? What are you waiting for, head on over to her shop now to place your order now! You will have another item completed from that wedding list of things to do, a heirloom for the keeping, and while you are at it, a touch of something blue.

How are you incorporating your something blue? We would love to hear below, and of course, let’s keep in touch!

From Me, To You



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